Help! I’m having my baby in 2 days and need a baby book to bring to the hospital!

That’s something we hear quite often as new Moms worry about getting baby footprints at the hospital. It’s ok though! If you don’t have your baby book to bring to the hospital, don’t worry. First of all, we don’t recommend putting baby’s footprints directly into the book anyway – what if they smear on your first attempt, or if you need to remove them from the book in the future?

Your best bet is to put baby’s footprints on a keepsake card and then paste the card onto the page. If you make a mistake the first time… no problem! And if you ever need to remove them from the book (sometimes Moms end up re-doing the baby book) – simple!

Many hospitals  will even give you a keepsake card with baby’s footprints after you have your baby. You can call your hospital to find out.  You can also purchase a footprint stamping kit to bring to the hospital.

So, don’t worry so much about the footprints… you’ve got lots of other things to think about. And, by freeing you from the need to bring the book to the hospital, you can wait to order the baby book until you know baby’s name and birthdate. This gives you the opportunity to order a personalized baby album for the new little bundle with baby’s name embroidered on the cover.

Finally, if you have to wait until you get home before you get baby’s footprints, we’re sure she won’t grow to a size 13 in 3 days… those feet will stay little for a least a while (not as long as we’d like them to)! Still long enough to use impression kits to make some more footprint keepsakes for grandma and family to have too.  

How did you capture your baby’s footprints at the hospital? Comment below to share with others. 


  1. I had the hospital put the footprints on a card and then to make sure they didn’t smear or fade I had it laminated. It looks great and I don’t have to worry about it getting tore, water damage ect..

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