What Happened in Baby’s World 2012

The world is constantly changing, and 2012 certainly was no exception to this everlasting march towards a better future! But for some of us, this article will be much less about retrospection and more about documenting the moments most relevant to our history that coincided with the birth year of someone very special: a beloved child! So without further delay, BabySakes.com presents…What Happened In Baby’s World, 2012 Edition!

Influential Heads of State in 2012

  • USA: President Barack Obama
  • UK: Prime Minister David Cameron
  • Canada: Prime Minister Stephen Harper
  • North Korea: Kim Jong-un
  • China – President Hu Jintao
  • France: President Nicolas Sarkozy
  • Germany: President Christian Wulff
  • Italy: Prime Minister Mario Monti
  • Russia: President Vladimir Putin
  • Iran: President Mahmoud Ahmajinedad
  • Afghanistan: Hamid Karzai

 Major News Stories of 2012 (in no particular order)

Source: Time.com,

  1. Syria’s Civil War – The end of 2012 marks the second year that the Syrian people have been involved in a civil war between government and civilian rebels. The war was incited in February 2011 after a peaceful uprising against their leader of government, President Bashar Assad. Many parts of the country are now under rebel control with estimates of 40,000 dead after two years of conflict.
  2. Re-election of President Obama – After a long campaigning season, President Obama was re-elected to another term in office, beating out Republican candidate Mitt Romney and smaller party candidates. Looming over his continued presidency were the“fiscal cliff” that could trigger spending cuts and increased taxes at the New Year, the idea of ObamaCare, and wars overseas.
  3. The Eurozone Crisis – Citizens in countries across Southern Europe, including Greece, Italy, and Spain, protested in 2012 against austerity measures (spending cuts that proportionally cut back on funding for public services and benefits) imposed as conditions for bailouts from other countries due to growing debt. Unemployment reached nearly 25% in Spain. Citizens began turning against political parties associated with those who would be bailing them out.
  4.  Hurricane Sandy – In October, Hurricane Sandy hit portions of the Caribbean and proceeded to ravage the Mid-Atlantic, Northeastern US, and parts of Eastern Canada. A Category 2 storm at its peak and the largest Atlantic hurricane on record, the storm took out power for millions of residents, flooding streets and destroying infrastructure, resulting in $60 billion in damages and 131 dead.
  5. Crisis in Mali – After being deemed a Democractic success, Mali descended into political turmoil in 2012. A military coup ousted the democratically-elected government in March, turning the northern regions of Mali into areas of rebel control by multiple ethnic/ideological groups. The relocated government is currently working on strategies to reclaim the land.
  6.  NASA on Mars – NASA’s rover, Curiosity, landed on Mars in August, taking stunning photographs of the planet’s surface. It is currently searching for environments suitable for microbial development – a primitive form of life.
  7. Afghanistan Moving to a Close – After an 11-year war, the US has plans to withdraw troops at the end of 2014. 2012, however, saw the reduction in troops from allies, such as the French, who withdrew their troops at the end of the year. Drone strikes were also ramped up by the Obama Administration.
  8. Amnesty for Undocumented – President Obama signs an executive order that provides relief from deportation to undocumented immigrants under the age of 30 who have been brought into the US before the age 16. While providing amnesty to 1.7 million youths, this sparked a discussion between both parties about creating more comprehensive immigration reform.
  9. Focus on Gay Marriage – President Obama announces his support for gay marriage and nine states in the United States pass gay marriage as a legal right: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Maine, Maryland, and Washington State.
  10. Red Bull Stratos Jump – Felix Baumgartner of Austria, sponsored by Red Bull, performed a near-space skydriving feat (at 128,100 feet), breaking the sound barrier AND the record for the highest and fastest jump in history. He also became the first man to break the sound barrier outside of a vehicle.

 Stock Market and Economy

Source: Time.com

The housing market bottomed out in 2012 and slowly began to climb up. Improvements were made – the number of foreclosures hit 57,000 in September, a sharp contrast from double that number in 2010. The Federal Reserve reports that outstanding debt is increasing, although student debt surpassed credit card debt this year.

In September, the Dow reached its highest level since the start of the recession in 2007 and it has gained more than 20% this year alone.

Top Selling Music Albums of 2012

Source: Billboard

  1. “Red,” Taylor Swift
  2. “Les Miserables – Highlights from the Motion Picture Soundtrack,” Various Artists
  3. “Take Me Home,” One Direction
  4. “Unorthodox Jukebox,” Bruno Mars
  5. “Trouble Man: Heavy is the Head,” T.I.
  6. “Night Visions,” Imagine Dragons
  7. “Unapologetic,” Rihanna
  8. “Babel,” Mumford & Sons
  9. “The Lumineers,” The Lumineers
  10.  “Pitch Perfect,” Various Artists

 Top Grossing Movies of 2012

Source: Box Office Mojo

  1. Marvel’s “The Avengers” ($623.3 mil)
  2. “The Dark Knight Rises” ($448.1 mil)
  3. “The Hunger Games” ($408.1 mil)
  4. “Skyfall” ($293.7 mil)
  5. “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” ($287.8 mil)
  6. “The Amazing Spiderman” ($262 mil)
  7. “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” ($246.3 mil)
  8. “Brave” ($237.3 mil)
  9.  “Ted” ($218.8 mil)
  10. “Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted” ($216.4 mil)

 Highest Paid Actors of 2012

Source: Forbes

1. Tom Cruise $75 million
2. Leonardo DiCaprio $37 million
2. Adam Sandler $37 million
4.Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson $36 million
5. Ben Stiller $33 million
6. Sacha Baron Cohen $30 million
7. Johnny Depp $30 million
8. Will Smith $30 million
9. Mark Wahlberg $27 million
10. Taylor Lautner $26.5 million

Top Books of 2012
Source: Goodrreads.com

  1. “Gone Girl,” Gilian Flynn
  2. “The Fault in Our Stars,” John Green
  3. “Fifty Shades Freed,” E.L. Jamse
  4. “Insurgent,” Veronica Roth
  5. “The Casual Vacancy,” J.K. Rowling
  6. “Bared to You,” Sylvia Day
  7. “City of Lost Souls,” Cassandra Clare
  8. “Cinder,” Marissa Meyer
  9. “Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail,” Cheryl Strayed
  10. “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” Susan Cain

Top 10 Highest Rated Television Shows of the 2011-2012 Season

Source: Deadline.com

  1. NBC Sunday Night Football
  2. American Idol
  3. The Voice
  4. Modern Family
  5. The Big Bang Theory
  6. Two and a Half Men
  7. X Factor
  8. Two Broke Girls
  9. Grey’s Anatomy
  10. New Girl

 Top Technology Trends of 2012 (in no particular order)

Source: Forbes

  1. Instagram
  2. Focus on camera quality on mobile phones
  3. Rise of free online education (sometimes with support by public universities!) (e.g. Kahn Academy, Coursera, Code Academy)
  4. Electric vehicles
  5. Retina display on computers (extremely high pixel density), specifically the Macbook 

Fashion Trends of 2012

Source: Elle

  1. Skirted peplum sillhouette
  2. Pajama-inspired pants
  3. Wedge sneakers
  4. Baroque-inspired fashions
  5. Oxblood (the clolor)
  6. Leather-like pants
  7. Luxe sweatshirts
  8. Leather-sleeved jackets
  9. Printed pants

 Average Cost of Items in 2012

  • Gallon of Milk: $3.65 (USDA)
  • Gallon of Gas: $3.91 (The People History)
  • Loaf of Bread: $1.88 (The People History)
  • Movie Ticket: $8.20 (The People History)
  • Public College Education (with room and board):  $22,261 (College Board)
  • Private College Education (with room and board): $42,289 (College Board)
  • New House: $263,200 (The People History)
  • Home Resale: $146,000 (Statistic Brain)
  • New Car: $30,303 (Forbes)
  • Diapers: Approximately $0.26/per diaper (for newborn size, dependent on retailer)
  • Babysitter: $5-15/hr (depending on experience)
  • Sunday Paper: $2.50
  • Postage Stamp: $0.45 (The People History)
  • Computer: $650 (depends on specs and brand)

What Happened in Baby’s World 2011 Edition

Baby books are a fantastic way to compile information about the birth of your child – from their first appearance in a sonogram, to their first words and steps, they provide a way to reminisce on those days for years to come. But sometimes, you want a bit of context for the world that your child was being brought into. One day, after years of compiling memories into your books, he or she may want to see it and read of all the things they never knew about the world back then – and you’ll be able to, as well!

As you fill in your baby book, you may stumble across a page dedicated to stories of what was happening during the year of your child’s birth. No one has time to paw through every news story available for that information, right? Well, that’s what we’re here for.

 BabySakes.com, the baby keepsakes store, is now presenting the top stories of 2011, pulled from various sources to round out your baby book with the most important headlines of the year.

Influential Heads of State in 2011

President Barack Obama – USA
Prime Minister David Cameron – UK
Prime Minister Stephen Harper – Canada
Kim Jong-un – North Korea
President Hu Jintao – China
President Dmitry Medvedev – Russia
Prime Minister Mario Monti – Italy

Major News Stories of 2011
(Source: time.com)

  • The Arab Spring: A political protest by rebels that began in Tunisia spread throughout the Middle East, successfully ousting Tunisian president Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who had served in that position for 30 years, and Libya’s four-decade ruler Muammar Gaddafi in a revolution that lasted for months.
  • The Death of Osama Bin Laden: On May 1st, 2011, President Barack Obama announced that the Osama Bin Laden had been tracked down in Pakistan and had been taken down by a team of Navy SEALs, ending a decade-long manhunt that had spurred a war in Afghanistan.
  • Japan Earthquake: On March 11th, a 9.0 earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan, causing a tsunami that swept across the island country, destroying towns, cities, and killing 16,000 citizens. The tsunami also caused a nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, inspiring a cautious fear around nuclear power in the days to come.
  • Occupy Wall Street: On September 17th, protestors of the financial system and big banks in place in the United States occupied public spaces, refusing to leave. This movement took off throughout the country in public parks and college campuses, having little political impact, but bringing to light questions of justice and police authority as multiple incidence of police violence occurred in an effort to stop this movement.
  • Iraq Draw-down: After war that lasted eight years, President Barack Obama effectively ended the combat by ordering the withdrawal of 40,000 remaining American troops in Iraq, concluding on December 31st, 2011. A number of troops remained in the country, but only in training and advisory positions.
  • Debt Ceiling Crisis: After the US debt rose toward its ceiling, a committee was created in order to negotiate massive spending cuts. After reaching a critical deadline without coming to a decision, lawmakers raised the debt ceiling for the eleventh time in the past decade. The US credit rating was reduced by Standard & Poor to AA-plus.
  • Famine in the Horn of Africa: Somalia experienced its worst drought in 60 years, complicated by relief efforts that were hindered by political issues in the region. More than a thousand Somalians fled to refugee camps on the Kenyan border per day.
  • Release of Apple’s iPad 2: In the midst of heavy competition in the tablet market after their initial launch of the iPad 1, Apple released the iPad 2 on March 11th, 2011 – thinner, lighter, and with more powerful hardware than its predecessor. It sold 500,000 units on its release weekend.
  • Colleges in Crisis: In 2011, debt from outstanding student loans hit $1 trillion, more than all of U.S. credit card debt combined, leading to the questioning of whether or not a college education is worth it in the current economic state.
  • Time Magazine Person of the Year: The Protestor

Stock Market and Economy

  • The unemployment rate was the lowest that it had been in two years, but this changed when rising oil prices, the nuclear disaster in Japan, and the budget issues in Washington D.C. Surfaced. By the end of the year, it had dropped from 9.1% to 8.7%.
  • Economic growth had slowed to a rate of 1% mid-year

Top Selling Music Albums of 2011

Source: Billboard

  1. “21,” Adele (5.8 million copies)
  2. “Christmas,” Michael Buble (2.5 mil)
  3. “Born This Way,” Lady Gaga (2.1 mil)
  4. “Tha Carter IV,” Lil Wayne (1.92 mil)
  5. “My Kinda Party,” Jason Aldean (1.6 mil)
  6. “Sigh No More,” Mumford & Sons (1.4 mil)
  7. “Take Care,” Drake (1.3 mil)
  8. “Under the Mistletoe,” (1.3 mil)
  9. “Watch the Throne,” Jay-Z and Kanye West (1.2 mil)
  10. “Own the Night,” Lady Antebellum (1.2 mil)

Top Grossing Movies of 2011 (Worldwide)

Source: Box Office Mojo

  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ($381 mil)
  2. Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon ($352 mil)
  3. The Twilight Sage: Breaking Dawn Part I ($281 mil)
  4. The Hangover Part II ($254 mil)
  5. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ($241 mil)
  6. Fast Five ($209 mil)
  7. Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol ($209 mil)
  8. Cars 2 ($191 mil)
  9. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows ($186 mil)
  10. Thor ($181 mil)

Highest Paid Actors of 2011:
Source: Forbes


  1. Leonardo DiCaprio
  2. Johnny Depp
  3. Adam Sandler
  4. Will Smith
  5. Tom Hanks
  6. Ben Stiller
  7. Robert Downey Jr.
  8. Mark Wahlberg
  9. Tim Allen
  10. Tom Cruise


  1. Angelina Jolie
  2. Sarah Jessica Parker
  3. Jennifer Aniston
  4. Reese Witherspoon
  5. Julia Roberts
  6. Kristen Stewart
  7. Katherine Heigl
  8. Cameron Diaz
  9. Sanda Bullock
  10. Meryl Streep

Best Selling Books of 2011:
Source: USA Today

  1. “The Help,” Kathryn Stockett
  2. “The Hunger Games,” Suzanne Collins
  3. “Heaven is for Real,” Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent
  4. “Water for Elephants,” Sara Gruen
  5. “Catching Fire,” Suzanne Collins
  6. “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever,” Jeff Kinney
  7. “Mockingjay,” Suzanne Collins
  8. “Steve Jobs: A Biography,” Walter Isaacson
  9. “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,” Stieg Larsson
  10. “Unbroken,” Laura Hillenbrand

Top 10 Highest Rated Television Shows of 2011:

Source: Zap2It

  1. American Idol – Wednesday (FOX)
  2. NBC Sunday Night Football (NBC)
  3. American Idol – Thursday (FOX)
  4. The Voice (NBC)
  5. Modern Family (ABC)
  6. Dancing With The Stars (ABC)
  7. The Big Bang Theory (CBS)
  8. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
  9. Survivor: Nicaragua (CBS)
  10. NCIS (CBS)

Top Technology Trendsof 2011:

Source: Wired

  • 3D Consumer Cameras
  • Tablet computers
  • Mobile-focused computer processors
  • Windows Phone 7
  • Wireless speakers
  • Macbook Air

Fashion Trends of 2011

Source: Fashionising

  • Military-inspired clothing
  • Lace
  • Knee-high socks with boots
  • Thigh-high boots
  • Crop tops
  • Sheer clothing
  • Relaxed tailoring
  • Curly hair
  • Side parts in hair

    Coming up next – what things cost in 2011!

Filling Out Your Baby Book: Baby’s World in 2010

Whew! It’s been a busy beginning of 2011 at BabySakes! We’ve been so busy adding hundreds of new items to the store, that we are a little behind on our annual “What Happened in Baby’s World” review. But, hooray! We are on top of it now, so get those acid-free pens out. Here is the first installment of Baby’s World:

What Things Cost in 2010:

Gallon of Milk: $3.06 (American Farm Bureau)

Gallon of Gas: $2.70

Loaf of Bread: Approximately $1.60 (American Farm Bureau)

Movie Ticket: Average price $7.89 (Hollywood Reporter)

Public College Education: $7,605 per year (College Board)

Private College Education: $27,293 per year (College Board)

New House: $225,000 (Commerce Dept.)

Home Resale: $168,800 (National Association of Realtors)

Car: $28,400 (NADA)

Diapers: Approximately .25 per diaper ($9.99 for a pack of 40).

Babysitter: Approximately $12 – 15 an hour for someone over age 18.

Sunday Paper: Average price $2.50 or free online.

Postage Stamp:  44 cents

Computer: $670

Is there something missing from our list that is in your baby book? Let us know and we’ll add it to the post!

Filling Out Your Baby Book: What Happened in Baby’s World (2008 Edition)

You ‘ve been asking and we are always happy to oblige. We at Babysakes  are always keen to help out new moms – especially when it means doing the research so you can fill out those Baby’s World pages in your fabulous  Baby Book from BabySakes.com!

So here we go with the wonderful topsy-turvy year 2008 – just choose the key bits that you would like to add to your baby memory book:

World Leaders:

  • President George W. Bush – USA
  • Prime Minister Gordon Brown – UK
  • President Hu Jintao – China
  • President Pratibha Patil  – India
  • Prime Minister Kevin Michael Rudd – Australia
  • Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy – France
  • President Horst Kohler – Germany
  • President Dmitry Medvedev- Russia

Top Stories of 2008

Near financial collapse, the US Government came to the aid of some of the historically most financially solvent institutions. Because of the sub-prime mortgage debacle, many banks found themselves out of cash.  Those that weren’t gobbled up by their former competitors, were left floundering. Lehman Brothers was allowed to fail, but Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG were helped out by taxpayers. By the end of the year, consumer spending was at record declines, home values continued to plummet and joblessness on the rise.

Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States in an historic victory that brought the United States its first African-American President. In an equally historic democratic primary, Obama defeated Hillary Clinton for the nomination after a 50-state caucus. On the right, Alaska governer Sarah Palin energized the ticket headed by John McCain in the Republican nomination. The long and hard-fought election also showed a marked generational shift in American Politics with the Internet, mobile phones and social networking being used to rally support for candidates.

For three days in November  Mumbai, the financial and movie capitol of India, was held hostage by 10 armed men. The tourism center was hit hardest with hotels and restrants becoming sites of unbelievable carnage.

The term “Made in China” brought about a great deal of fear in the minds of consumers as the chemical melamine was found in food products given to animals and humans and high levels of lead in children’s toys brought about new consumer saftey standards.

Top Selling Music Albums of 2008

1. As I Am – Alicia Keys

2. Noel – Josh Groban

3. Tha Carter III – Lil Wayne

4. Long Road Out of Eden – Eagles

5. Taylor Swift – Taylor Swift

6. Rock N Roll Jesus – Kid Rock

7. Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends – Coldplay

8. Now 26 – Various Artists

9. Carnival Ride – Carrie Underwood

10. The Ultimate Hits – Garth Brooks

Top Grossing Movies of 2008:

1. The Dark Knight

2. Iron Man

3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

4. Hancock


6. Kung Fu Panda

7. Twilight

8. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

9. Quantum of Solace

10. Horton Hears a Who!

Highest Paid Actors of 2008:

1. Will Smith

2. Johnny Depp

3. Eddie Murphy

4. Mike Myers

5. Leonardo Dicaprio


1. Angelina Jolie

2. Cameron Diaz

3. Jennifer Aniston

4. Keira Knightly

5. Jennifer Lopez

Best Sellers of 2008:

(Non Fiction)

1. The Forever War by Dexter Filkins

2. The Thief at the End of the World by Joe Jackson

3. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder

4. The World Is What It Is by Patrick French

5. The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale


1. 2666 by Roberto Bolaño

2. Lush Life by Richard Price

3. Lush Life by Richard Price

4. Anathem by Neal Stephenson

5. Unaccustomed Earth Jhumpa Lahiri


1. The Pencil by Allan Ahlberg and Bruce Ingman

2. Big Words for Little People by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell

3. Bats at the Library, Written and illustrated by Brian Lies

4. Splat the Cat by Rob Scotton

5. Oodles of Animals by Lois Ehlert

Top 10 Highest Rated Television Shows of 2008:

1. American Idol Tuesday (Fox) 2. American Idol Wednesday (Fox) – 15.3%
3. Dancing with the Stars (ABC) – 4. Dancing with the Stars Results (ABC) – 11.4%
5. The Mentalist (CBS)
6. NBC Sunday Night Football (NBC)
7. CSI (CBS)
9. 60 Minutes (CBS)
10. Survivor: Gabon

What Things Cost in 2008

Gallon of Milk: $3.72

Gallon of Gas: At its highest it was $4.20 for regular unleaded.

Loaf of Bread: Approximately $1.59

Movie Ticket: Average price $7.20

College Education: Private – $25,143 per year Public: $6,585  per year.

House: $206, 200(Median Home Price)

Car: About  25,000 to 35,000 for a moderately priced new car or SUV.

Diapers: Approximately 18 to 28 cents a diaper.

Babysitter: Approximately $12 – 15 an hour for someone over age 18.

Sunday Paper: Average price $2.50 to 3.00 or free online.

Postage Stamp:  42 cents

As always, let us know if there is any more information you need in the comments. We are happy to oblige.

Filling Out Your Baby Book: What Happened in Baby’s World 2005 and What Things Cost in 2005

You told us that you wanted help in filling out your baby memory books and we here at Babysakes.com are always happy to accommodate your requests! We will be slogging backward through history to give you the much needed information to complete the “what happened in baby’s world” section of your baby memory books.

So here we go with the year where Mother Nature really packed a wallop! 2005 here we go!

World Leaders:

  • President George W. Bush – USA
  • Prime Minister Tony Blair – UK
  • President Hu Jintao – China
  • President Abdul Kalam – India
  • Prime Minister John Howard – Australia
  • Prime Minister Jacques Chirac – France
  • President Horst Kohler – Germany
  • President Vladimir Putin – Russia

Top Stories of 2005

  • Hurricane Katrina hit landfall east of New Orleans in the morning of August 29th. The levees protecting New Orleans from flood waters failed ant the area was inundated. Much of the Gulf Coast region was devastated.
  • Relief efforts continued for the December 26, 2004 Tsunami that ravaged Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and many other countries. Towns and villages were swept away and more than 200,000 people perished.
  • On July 7, During London’s morning rush hour, bombs exploded in three subway trains and one bus. Fifty -two people died and 700 were injured. This was the deadliest attack in Britian since World War II.
  • On January 20, President George W. Bush took his second oath of office.
  • Iraq held its first free elections in a half-century. Ink-stained fingers became a symbol of democracy as Iraqis went to the polls even under threats of violence.
  • Pope John Paul II passed away on April 2 at the age of 84. Weeks later cardinals elected Joseph Ratzinger of Germany as the 265th Pontif. He took the name of Pope Benedict XVI.
  • The Chicago White Sox won the 2005 World Series breaking the Curse of the Black Socks after 88 Years.

Top Selling Music Albums of 2005

  1. 50 Cent- The Massacre
  2. Eminem – Encore
  3. Green Day – American Idiot
  4. Mariah Carey – The Emancipation of Mimi
  5. Kelly Clarkson – Breakaway
  6. Gwen Stefani – Love. Angel. Music. Baby.
  7. Destiny’s Child – Destiny Fulfilled
  8. U2 – How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
  9. Shania Twain – Greatest Hits
  10. Rascal Flatts – Feels Like Today

Top 10 Top Grossing Movies of 2005:

  1. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  2. The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
  3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  4. War of the Worlds (2005)
  5. King Kong (2005)
  6. Wedding Crashers
  7. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  8. Batman Begins
  9. Madagascar
  10. Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Top 10 Bestselling Books of 2005:

  1. Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
  2. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
  3. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
  4. The Shack by William P. Young
  5. Breaking Down by Stephenie Meyer
  6. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
  7. The story of Edgar Sawtelle: A Novel by David Wroblewski
  8. Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks
  9. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and Jeffrey Zaslow
  10. Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas Friedman

Top Actors (Highest Paid) of 2005:

  1. Will Ferrell – $40 Million
  2. Johnny Depp -$37 Million
  3. Ray Romano -$36.5 Million
  4. Will Smith – $35 Million
  5. Toby Maguire – $32 Million
  6. Tom Cruise – $31 Million
  7. Denzel Washington – $30 Million
  8. Adam Sandler – $28 Million
  9. Matt Damon – $27 Million
  10. Brad Pitt – $25 Million
  11. Drew Barrymore – $22 Million
  12. Jennifer Lopez – $17 Million
  13. Nicole Kidman -$14.5 Million
  14. Jennifer Garner – $14 Million
  15. Cameron Diaz – $13 Million

Popular Sports Figures of 2005 (In no particular order)

  • Lance Armstrong
  • Tom Brady
  • Steve Nash
  • Alex Rodriguez
  • Michelle Wie

Top 10 Highest Rated Television Shows of 2005:

  1. American Idol (Tuesday-FOX
  2. American Idol (Wednesday-FOX
  3. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation-CBS
  4. Desperate Housewives -ABC
  5. Grey’s Anatomy-ABC
  6. Without a Trace-CBS
  7. Dancing with the Stars-ABC
  8. Survivor: Guatemala-CBS
  9. CSI: Miami -CBS
  10. House -Fox

What Things Cost in 2005

Gallon of Milk: $3.75

Gallon of Gas: $2.27

Loaf of Bread: $2.29

Movie Ticket: $6.41

College Education: Private – $29, 026 Public: $12, 127

House: $213,900 (Median Home Price)

Car: About 30,000 for a moderately priced car.

Diapers: Approximately 25 cents a diaper.

Babysitter: Approximately $12 an hour for someone over age 18.

Sunday Paper: Average price $1.50

Postage Stamp: 37 cents

As always, let us know if there is any more information you need in the comments. We are happy to oblige.Stay tuned for 2004!