Posh Halloween Costumes for Baby

Ribbet Ribbet - your child could be a froggie for Halloween!

Ribbet Ribbet - your child could be a froggie for Halloween!

It’s that time of year again. Time for ghosts and goblins – or rather, fluffy bunnies, bears, frogs and horsies. (We here at Babysakes.com get scared too easily and prefer our trick-or-treaters to be of the adorably cute variety.) 

There is nothing better than having a baby product serve double duty, so when we considered the amazing booties and coats at BabySakes.com – well, we got to thinking. What better way to dress up baby for Halloween but in a costume that is not only plush and luxurious – but is really a winter coat that will keep them warm in the upcoming colder months!

Bearington Baby offers a wonderful selection of coats and booties for babies 6 – 12 months and 12-24 months. Can’t you see your little one dressed up as an elephant in the Lil Peanut Elephant coat and matching booties. Or how about as a frog in the Froggie coat and booties. Better yet – how about as a pink bunny with the Pink Bunny coat and matching booties or as a sweet little lamb in the Lamby Coat and booties (with any luck the bunny and lamby coats and booties can pull TRIPLE duty as an outfit for the spring holidays.)

These coats are plush and fuzzy and make you want to snuggle your little one even more. Think of all the candy they can procure looking so cute (and if they don’t have any teeth – think of all the candy you get to eat on their behalf!)

Dress your baby in luxury with this faux mink!

Dress your baby in luxury with this faux mink!

Of course there is also the added bonus of looking like a million bucks. These Bearington Baby animal-themed coats and matching booties have the look of mink and leopard – faux of course. Your little one could be a cat or a grizzly or polar bear  – or just look fabulous for Halloween.

For those of you who want to stay a little closer to home – or the farm – these Mud Pie coats and booties are perfect. With a quack quack here or a neigh neigh there, imagine your baby roaming the neighboorhood in one of these amazing coats and matching booties.

For little ones who are spending the holiday indoors, or for our friends in warmer climates, can we suggest these fun Mud Pie sleepers? With the same EIEIO themes as the coats and booties (bunny, duckie, horsie and moo-cow), the sleepers have tails and feet and are just so cute we can’t stand it. Or if you see your baby as more of a superhero, then these Wry Baby snapsuits will help them be “Super Cute!”

So check out the fun animal-themed wear at Babysakes.com today and get your order in just in time for Trick-or-Treat. These are more than just baby Halloween costumes… they are posh baby outfits for all seasons! View the complete selection here.