Filling Out Your Baby Book – What Things Cost in 2007

Filling Out Your Baby Book  
Baby Memory BooksWhat Things Cost In 2007 

Remember last year when you could buy gasoline for the bargain price of $3 a gallon? Those were the days!
And just in case you don’t remember and you haven’t filled out the “what things cost when baby was born”
page of your baby book yet, here are some tips that could help you finish that page fast!
And just remember, one day when baby is all grown up, they’ll look back and say “Wow… things sure were cheap back then!” (or maybe even, “What’s gas?”)
Now… on to the national average for the cost of things typically found on the “cost of things” baby book page:
Gallon of milk:
About $3.50
Gallon of gas:
About $3
Loaf of bread:
About $2.50
Movie Ticket:
About $7
College Education:
Public: $6,185 Private: $23,712
About $300K by year end
$28,000 new, $13,000 used
25 cents per disposable diaper
$12 per hour (over 18)
Sunday Newspaper:
About $1.50
Postage Stamp:
$.41 for a first class stamp
There you go! Now, it’s the easiest page in the baby book to complete (but you are still on your own for the “dates baby’s teeth first appeared” page!)